Under the direction of Master Director and Queen of Harmony Caitlin Castelino, Diablo Vista Chorus is a chapter of the Sweet Adelines International, Pacific Shores (Region 12), which consists of choruses and quartets throughout Northern California, Northern Nevada, Southern Oregon and Hawaii. Sweet Adelines International (SAI) is an organization dedicated to elevating women singers worldwide through education, performance, and competition in barbershop harmony and acappella music with more than 25,000 members worldwide.
In 2019, DVC competed for the first time at the SAI International Competition in New Orleans in the Harmony Classic International competition. DVC came away with a first-place gold medal and trophy and the highest score of all divisions. In May 2022, the chorus won the Pacific Shores Region 12 competition, earning the opportunity to compete in SAIs International Competition in Louisville, KY., finishing in eighth place world-wide. DVC again won the April 2024 Region 12 competition and will return to SAI International Competition in fall of 2025 in Columbus, OH.
Diablo Vista Chorus is committed to musical excellence and education, enthusiastically sharing the joy of singing four-part, a cappella harmony in the barbershop style. Members pride themselves in community involvement and strive for innovative entertainment and diversity in their membership. DVC’s rehearsals are open to the public and to potential new members. Rehearsals are held every Tuesday at 6:30 pm at 2100 Tice Valley Road, Walnut Creek. The chorus is constantly accepting new members.