Our Director

Caitlin Castelino

Caitlin Castelino
Caitlin Castelino started singing barbershop when she was only 11 years old. She was hooked from the start and knew right away that she wanted to be in a quartet. In 2002, her quartet "UnderAge" (now "LoveNotes") was formed and went on to win the Young Women in Harmony International Rising Star contest in 2005. LoveNotes competed at the international level for several years and won the title of Queens of Harmony in 2013.

Caitlin became the director of Diablo Vista Chorus in 2015. In 2019, Diablo Vista won the Harmony Classic competition under Caitlin's direction, and in 2022 they won the Region 12 competition for the first time in the chorus' 65+ year history! They went on to compete at the 2023 international competition in Louisville, KY placing eighth in the world. 

Caitlin is a Speech-Language Pathologist at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, supervising the acute service. She is married to her incredibly supportive and wonderful husband, Peter, and loves being a mom to her daughter, Rylan (and dog, Mickey). 

Copyright © 2025 Diablo Vista Chorus